Saturday, March 12, 2011

Christmas in March! How did you know...

I would need such cheering up!

Last week I was feeling overwhelmed by receiving so many packages in the mail. My sister sent me a huge package full of love, my Aunt sent me my absolute favorite pecans (which make me delightedly happy, for some reason), and my friend Mary sent me a package full of sweets and school supplies.

Again, I felt overwhelmed with receiving so many packages and I always swoon and almost faint when I see how much my loved ones have spent in shipping!

Imagine my surprise when I went to the post office this morning!

A shout out to my friends who have sent school supplies: reward stickers, colored pens, notebooks, fun reward toys (glow in the bracelets!), and INFLATALBE GLOBES! Yay! And for me: stationary, stamps, back issues of the Sun Magazine (my favorite), spiritual reading, Dr. Bronner’s soap (another favorite) and SPICES! I’m a lucky girl!

My good friend Joe Y, who influenced me greatly in my naturalist pursuits, has sent along some children’s books with a nature focus to share with my school children. He’s doing wonderful things influencing our next generations to become stewards of nature!

Be sure to check out his company’s website at:

I’m particularly fond of KK’s hope….Hmm… Wonder why?
 My mom has assembled a posse of wonderful women who have contributed greatly to my South African adventure and they sent me this humongous package chocked with goodies! Thanks Teen R and Faye J! Their goody box had all things school supplies: maps, more inflatable globes (Yay! A village can never have too many inflatable globes!), colored pens, pencils, markers, scissors (these will be a hot item!), erasers, glue sticks, reward stickers, tape, and sharpeners. My primary school will be very, very happy to see me this week—thank you both!

For me, they included COFFEE, (yay, yay, yay!) vitamins and probiotics, spices, MOVIES (yay! yay! yay!), cardstock and envelops (was critically short—thank you!), and a heat resistant spatula! Oh, and some ladies under-things that I needed (blush). Thank you!

And a few of you have contributed funds to my bank account--which always makes life easier!  Thank you!
It has been a particularly rough week and you couldn’t have known (nor would have I) how uplifting this shower of gifts has been. I feel bolstered, encouraged, and hopeful again! Amazing how a little bit—or a lot of bit!--of love from across the sea can be so regenerative.

Thank you everyone for your generosity! I am a humbled and lucky girl!



  1. I want to see the under things. Just kidding! Nice to feel the love. :-)

  2. Jenniffer--Ha, ha! The under things are in there... Pretend you're looking for Waldo! ;-)
