Monday, May 31, 2010

Lookey what I got!

And not a moment too soon, because we’ve had our first FROST! And it’s cold!

When we first arrived in South Africa, I noticed some South Africans rising every morning and dragging a chair out to sit at, what I thought at that time, the WALL! Uh oh, I thought. I hope this isn’t what South Africans do for FUN!

Now I know it’s what South Africans do for WARMTH!

I love my new blankey, and as someone is paying attention, it’s the colors of the African sky! I love it, love it, love it! And it’s sooooo warm!

Thank you!




  1. You look so cold! I think the blanket looks warm though. Do you need some warmer PJ bottoms?

  2. Lucky for me, it hasn't been that cold since. I'm told that June is the coldest month for my area, so I'm almost done. (Only one month verses the three of winter back home!)

    But it was very, very cold that morning!
